Are You Kidding Me?

My mouth just dropped open.  It's obvious to me that physicians do NOT read medication reconciliation forms for home meds at all.  The ones that do, kudos, but the ones that don't make my job more interesting and at times really get to me. Case-in-point:  50-something presenting to the hospital with lower GI bleed.

The doctor signed off to CONTINUE HER HOME MED OF PHENTERMINE FOR WEIGHT LOSS.  Are you kidding me?

I guess the nurse could have written "Purina Dog Chow - take one cup by mouth daily" and the physician would have signed off on it.

Way to go Joint Commission on putting in a requirement with no means of adhering to any sort of THINKING for anyone involved.

Except for the pharmacist of course to wade through the BS and find what is really needed.

I really like the one where the physician wanted to continue the patient's viagra while in the hospital.  THAT should keep the nurses on the floor on their toes running from a man who is looking for some fun.  Not good.

Medication reconciliation forms.  The bane of my existence.